And you never really stop designing and moving into production as though the cd set is automated right at the end. My parallel lines say the same thing as your 'wall' in the end. You younger guys tend to bask in the glory of your electronic 3d creation as though that is really the work… thing is, they build off of the drawing set. We started at the final set and drew just enough to be able to fill that in. There was an end of DD and start of CD (also signifying ‘no more changes to design’).
Interior design revit how to#
We think about the cd’s and what we need to show and how to do that, so what is built matches what we’ve got in our heads. Us old guys who actually drafted (autocad was just an extension of this), think about drawings sets in reverse. Those of us who handdrafted, are very purposeful in whatever goes into a drawing set.

My main issue is more about the laziness with your thought process. Stop being lazy and learn revit, it's better trust me.
Interior design revit software#
Seriously this program is terrible!!! Not to mention you need to be a quasi computer programmer with knowledge of random command line texts to fix random bugs in this software that's been updated sporadically since windows 3.0. That alone wasted me two hours (changing a fully annotated shopping mall site plan to a different scale, would have taken 3 seconds in revit) and thank god we didn't have the extremely dreaded "can we flip the floor plan" add two days but in Revit, yup there's a button for that. Then of course actual sheet set up consisting of creating a myriad of random files that link together and then of course the dreaded scale change of a viewport that's already been annotated. More time going back and making sure everything lines up. Then of course realizing that framing in the section wasn't actually lined up correctly due to human error.

I mean the obvious ones first of drawing a floor plan, elevations and sections separately but then getting design changes and spending time double checking these drawings are lined up. I used to buy into the argument that Revit probably ended up taking as much time as CAD because you ended up doing more with it but after working in Revit for a year and then going back to starting a CD packet with CAD because one of our PM's refuses to learn revit because he thinks it's a waste of time, I couldn't believe how incredibly useless and outdated this program is.